Specialist in PET felt

    Decorative solutions for wall and ceiling

    Customisation options


    Why a felt painting is the perfect wall decoration

    A felt painting is not only a unique wall decoration for your interior, but also provides a solution for better acoustics. With PET felt, you can have a custom painting made that perfectly fits your style and space. Think of abstract artworks, graphic patterns, or a logo as a statement piece. In this blog, we will show you why a felt painting is a good choice and provide you with plenty of inspiration!

    Why choose a felt painting on the wall?

    Paintings made of PET felt are a unique combination of design and functionality. This material is made from recycled PET bottles and has excellent sound-absorbing properties. The thicker the felt, the better it absorbs sound. Therefore, a felt painting is not only a work of art but also contributes to a pleasant acoustics in the room. 

    Benefits of a felt painting

    • Stylish appearance– A warm and modern look, perfect for any interior. 
    • Acoustic improvement– Reduces reverberation and enhances speech intelligibility. 
    • Durable material– Made from recycled PET, long-lasting and 100% recyclable. 
    • Customisation available– From standard designs to unique, personal creations. 
    PET-vilt 25 mm - Maatwerk - Wanddecoratie

    Felt painting as acoustic wall decoration

    In spaces with hard surfaces, such as offices, restaurants, or living rooms, sound can bounce back and create unpleasant acoustics. A felt painting serves as acoustic wall decoration, as it absorbs sound waves and reduces echoes. 

    Suitable for different spaces:

    • Offices and meeting rooms– Provides a calm working environment, higher productivity, and better concentration. 
    • Hospitality– Contributes to a pleasant atmosphere without distracting echoes. 
    • Living rooms– Creates a stylish and cozy appearance. 
    PET-vilt 9 mm - Maatwerk

    Creative ideas for a unique felt painting

    With PET felt, you can endlessly vary in different colours, shapes, and designs. Here are a few inspiring ideas:

    • Abstract art pieces– Playful patterns and geometric shapes for a modern effect. 
    • Personalised prints– create a silhouette of an image or artwork made from PET felt. 
    • Company logos and branding– Strengthen your brand identity with a felt logo. 
    • Organic and natural shapes– Think of flowers, landscapes, or wavy structures. 
    EASYfelt | PET-vilt akoestisch wandpaneel | PET-vilt schilderij | Coral Panel Sand

    Custom felt painting: from artwork to acoustic solution

    Do you want to have a unique felt painting made? At EASYfelt, custom work is possible! You can submit your own design or create a personal artwork together with our designers. Making your own felt painting has never been so easy! 

    The process:

    1. Choice of design– Select an existing design or create your own design. 
    2. Size and colour– Determine the dimensions and colours that match your interior. 
    3. Production– The painting is precisely cut and processed in PET felt. 
    4. Mounting– Easy to attach with a self-adhesive back or hanging system. 

    Where should you hang a felt painting for the best effect?

    The proper placement of a felt painting is important because you want to optimise both the aesthetic and acoustic benefits. For the best acoustic effect, it is advisable to place felt paintings near the source of the sound. Here are a few examples.

    Get inspired!

    Are you curious about what a felt painting looks like in different interiors? Check out our inspiration page and discover the many possibilities! 

    Would you like to have a custom felt painting made? Contact us!
