Specialist in PET felt

    Decorative solutions for wall and ceiling

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    Looking for an original acoustic partition? EASYfelt has an original collection of partitions made of PET felt.

    Acoustic partitions are ideal for reducing noise pollution between two workplaces or zones. You also create more privacy as a place is physically shielded.

    A partition is not only nice for more focus and privacy, but it also marks off a department or zone. Useful if you want to set up a concentration area in an open-plan office, for example.

    Partition office

    A partition (screen wall / soundproof partition) is often used in the office. After all, acoustics play a major role in an (open-plan) office. Good acoustics improve speech intelligibility, ensure optimal concentration and reduce fatigue.

    In order to have good acoustics in an office, it is important to identify both direct and indirect sounds. Indirect sound is the reverberation level in the room. This is caused by reflections of sound waves from a hard surface. Too many reflections cloud the intelligibility of a room and often lead to fatigue and loss of concentration. To lower the reverberation level to a comfortable level, sufficient absorption solutions must be placed on the walls and ceiling.

    Direct sound travels directly from the source to the receiver. Its presence is self-evident, but in some cases not always desirable. Certainly not when two people are sitting close together, one of whom wants to work quietly and the other is talking on the phone. This leads to hindrance.

    Direct sound can be counteracted by an acoustic partition. The higher, heavier and wider the acoustic barrier, the less chance there is for sound to get through or pass by.

    An acoustic or sound-absorbing partition reduces the transmission from A to B. Although a sound-insulating closed wall is the most ideal, a closed wall is not always aesthetically or structurally desirable. Then, a partition made of PET felt can be opted for instead.

    Why acoustic partitions in the office?

    In the office, acoustic partitions can be chosen because:

    • it directly reduces noise in the room;
    • it provides physical separation in the office and it marks off departments;
    • it leads to more privacy and security;
    • it is movable, so it can be used if a temporary consultation area has to be created;
    • these original eye-catchers add extra atmosphere to the room (e.g. LeaveMe).

    Acoustics and partitions

    As mentioned, partition panels are used to reduce direct sound. For this, it needs height and mass, but it is not the perfect solution for reducing reverberation. To improve the acoustics in the entire room, we recommend installing acoustic wall and/or ceiling solutions.

    We recommend this, firstly, because: acoustic wall and ceiling solutions are more effective in combating reverberation. This is because the hard surfaces that cause reverberation then disappear. When installing partitions, the hard surfaces will still be there.

    We recommend this, secondly, because: if the indirect sound level (reverberation) is not in order, it has little effect to install acoustic screens to reduce the direct sound. After all, the direct sound is amplified by the reflections.

    For more advice on the right acoustic solution, please contact us!

    Partitions desk

    An “office partition” is not only placed between departments or zones, but also between desks. A desk partition (or acoustic desk screen) is pleasant for more privacy per individual workstation.

    Two people sitting opposite each other will continue to hear each other even with a desk partition between them. After all, the distance between them is so small that large audible differences cannot be made. However, a wall between the desks does contribute to physical privacy.

    In addition, a desk partition has an acoustic audibility effect on desks located further away. The latter is important if people further away are disturbed by colleagues calling, for example. Naturally, free-standing partitions also have this effect.

    Design and customisation

    At EASYfelt, we work with PET felt. Our partitions are also constructed using this material. The advantage of working with PET felt is that it is lightweight and we can make very nice designs with it.

    For example, we have developed the LeaveMe. These are movable partition elements in the form of abstract leaves. Due to the flexibility of the PET felt, LeaveMe has a curved shape. This makes it a functional eye-catcher!

    PET felt can be cut to any shape or with a special pattern. This makes it possible to create unique partitions for your project. We like to think along with you about the possibilities!

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